Architecture services
Humà HUMÀ advocates an architectural vision to be immersed, before any interventions, in the dimension of the project’s space and in the socio-cultural and economic environment in order to be able to develop a position. The integrated and collaborative approach reach to be inspired by the place's uniqueness to add a new layer, that integrates seamlessly the patina of time, and recognizes the everchanging landscape.
Architecture services
- Evaluation of buildings and equipment
- Study of the characteristics of a site
- Feasibility study
- Study of the development potential of a site
- Urban Integration Study
- Heritage Analysis
- Regulatory strategy
- Definition of needs and performance
- Program preparation
Design study
- Conceptual development
- Sketch and layout plan
- Study of volumetry and model
- Master Plan
- Principles of design
- Preliminary plans
- Estimated budget
Technical study
- Construction plans
- Technical specifications
- Project coordination
- Schedule of projects
- Construction budget
Services during construction
- Preparation of tender documents
- Construction site surveillance
- Project Management Assistance
Skills domains
- Recycling sites and industrial and religious buildings
- Commerce and office
- Revitalization of commercial cores
- Vacationing
- Development of residential complexes
- Habitation
- Retirement home
- Residence for students
- Contemporary public space and heritage
- Corporate Garden
- Therapeutic garden
- Ecological retention park
- Airport environment
- University environment
- Light plan